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itCONTAINS provides Nutritional information by scanning barcodes or textual search.

itCONTAINS was conceived by the author Chris Jukes when he was first diagnosed with Diabetes.

He found the packaging on the majority of food and beverages unhelpful when making the right selection decision.

Packaging often quotes values per 100g as this is often less than the product size, lets face it, who eats half a packet of crisps!

ItCONTAINS displays useful information, like "values per biscuit", "values per bar", "values per packet" as well as ingredients.

ItCONTAINS allows you to enter your health profile, "Calories per day", "Fat per day"," "Gluten free", "Lactose free" etc. then displays nutritional information with respect to your personal profile.

You can view what you have consumed per day, week and month showing your % of Guideline Daily Amounts